Business Valuation

Reliable, Experienced Business Valuations

Since 1996, ComStock has been providing clients with our independent opinion of value. Our opinions are formed based on sound analysis and relevant market factors by a team of experienced professionals who are passionate about their work and hold advanced degrees in business and finance, as well as accreditations from the American Society of Appraisers and the CFA Institute, among others.

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Discover Your Worth

Make crucial business decisions confidently, knowing the intricacies of your company. Contact us for a free consultation and start the valuation process now.

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Who We Serve

We perform hundreds of valuations per year for various purposes. Our work is regularly tested in arm’s-length transactions and critical reviews by knowledgeable executives, board members, auditors, regulators and financial professionals. Our clients are located across the United States, range in size from $25 million to over $4 billion in revenues, and come from a wide variety of industries.

A Look at Our Process

A typical business valuation is completed within 3 to 6 weeks, depending on the complexity of the company, the quality and availability of information and access to management.

  1. Our valuation process begins with the collection of information about the company being valued and the market(s) within which it operates.
  2. After a thorough review of the available information, we meet with our clients to learn about their business and strategic plans, tour their operations, evaluate the leadership team driving the business, and develop an understanding of what makes each business unique.
  3. Our analysis is then performed by a team of professionals, and internally reviewed and debated to ensure that the quality, integrity and thoughtfulness of our work product is second to none.
  4. Our conclusions represent our unbiased, independent, professional opinion of value. We take the time to explain our analysis and business valuation methods to ensure that our clients understand the rationale of our conclusions and the value drivers of their business.

Your Long-Term Valuation Partner

Our transparent process and independence resonate with clients, as evidenced by the hundreds of repeat clients who trust us to perform their valuations year after year. These clients also regularly contact us to discuss their business plans and understand the implications of their decisions to the value of their businesses. When you choose to work with ComStock, you are working with dedicated professionals who are employee-owners.

Business Valuation Services

Among the areas of business valuation we can help with are:

Our Professionals

John C. O’Brien

Brant Armentrout, CFA

David R. Bogus, ASA

Nickolas N. Sypniewski, ASA

Lori Wilhelmy, ASA

Glenn S. Johnson, ASA

Romanch K. Mistry

Rimas M. Grybauskas

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